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Text: Joshua 1
20 July 2014


From a secular perspective the tasks that lay ahead for Joshua and the children of Israel seem most formidable! Let us consider some of the challenges:-

1. Raising a credible army

a) This would be difficult

b) The army would not have any significant battle experience

2. Organising the nation

a) Moses found it difficult to govern the children of Israel

b) They were constantly finding fault and were stubborn and rebellious

c) Joshua would not find it any easier

3. Powerful enemies

a) The enemies were fighting for their lives

b) They may be expected to put up a very strong resistance to Israel’s army

4. The land of Canaan

a) It would not be easy to make adjustments in the new land

b) It would not be easy for all the tribes to settle down in their respective lots assigned to them


Things look very different when we are able to see God’s involvement in them. Let us ponder these words given by the Lord to Joshua.

Now, therefore arise and go over this Jordan,
You, and all this people, to the land which I am giving them-
The children of Israel.

Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon
I have given you, as I said to Moses. Joshua 1:2-3

1. The Promise of God must be borne in mind

a) The Land of Canaan was promised to Abraham

b) This thought must be borne in mind

c) The land of Canaan was the Lord’s to give to whom He pleased

2. The Presence and Power of God must also be borne in mind
Behind every promise of God two things stand out:-

a) The Presence of God

b) The Power of God

3. The Challenge to Every Generation
The Word of God has great significance with reference to its relevance. Every generation must consider how to respond to the Word of God.

a) May there be strength to believe and obey

b) May there be courage to fulfil God’s commands!