My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation
Text: Luke 2:28-32
20 December 2015
Old and devout Simeon was given a very special and personal word from the Lord. He would not see death till he had seen “the Lord’s Christ” (Luke 1:26). Simeon found special motivation to live on for he believed that the Lord would keep His promise.
When Baby Jesus was brought to the Temple for His circumcision, Simeon beheld Baby Jesus and carried Him. He bore a wonderful testimony for the Lord with this word.
Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace,
According to Your word.
For my eyes have seen Your salvation.
Which You have prepared before the face of all peoples,
A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles,
And the glory of Your people Israel. Luke 2:29-32
1. My eyes have seen Your salvation
a) Simeon was making a reference to the Lord Jesus Christ
b) He could see in Baby Jesus… God’s salvation
2. Which You have prepared
a) This salvation is for all
i) For Israel
ii) For Gentiles
b) The Lord Jesus
i) He would bring light to a dark world
ii) He would offer salvation to all who would turn to Him in faith
Each and every believer has his own personal story of salvation from the Lord! Let us add to Simeon’s testimony of the Lord’s gift of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ!
1. Rejoicing in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour
a) We celebrate His Advent at Christmas
b) The significance of His coming grows greater through knowledge and faith
2. The significance of our salvation in Christ
a) He continues to give us light
b) He continues to deliver us from evil
Let us find great joy in our celebration of Christmas! May the joy of the Lord be our special source of strength always!