Text: Isaiah 41
14 May 2017
It is impossible to fathom how and why God chooses! One such example is the historical Jacob. We often think that God sees potential then He chooses! This is erroneous thinking!
But you, Israel, are My servant,
Jacob, whom I have chosen,
The descendants of Abraham, My friend. Isaiah 41:8
- What was Jacob like when he was growing up?
a) He had a twin brother Esau whom he cheated twice
b) He coveted the right of being the firstborn
i) He stole the birthright of the firstborn (which was Esau’s)
ii) The firstborn was entitled to a double portion of the inheritance
iii) He did whatever he could to steal that birthright
c) He desired to have the blessing of the firstborn
i) They go together
ii) The firstborn would receive the blessing of the father
iii) He would then be confirmed the leader of the family clan
d) What Jacob did (with his mother conniving with him)
i) He pretended to be Esau
ii) He lied to his father that he was Esau
iii) He deceived his father who was blind
iv) He then received the “blessing” of the firstborn
- How did these things benefit Jacob?
a) It did not benefit him at all
b) He had to run away from his brother Esau who was so angry he wanted to kill Jacob
God manifested Himself to Jacob on his flight for safety from the wrath of Esau! What lessons may we learn from the life of Jacob?
- Addressing our sin problems
a) God had to address the sin problems of Jacob
b) He needed to give to Jacob a new heart and a new life
- God’s many roles
a) Protection
b) Provision
c) Presence with Jacob
These were some of the roles that God had to play actively in Jacob’s life. In God’s choosing us to be His people, He fulfils many roles! Our challenge is to stand in awed appreciation of the many things God would do for His people!