Text: Psalm 18
19 March 2017
Thank God for the salvation that we may have from Him. The word “salvation” is used in more than one way in Psalm 18.
- The horn of my salvation Psalm 18:2
a) The word “horn” was used as a symbol of power
b) The horns of beasts represent their strength and power
c) The Psalmist testifies to the fact that God has brought His power to bear in saving him from many difficult and dangerous situations
- You have also given me the shield of Your salvation Psalm 18:18
a) Salvation is now linked with the word “shield”
b) The idea of a shield suggests “protection”
c) God’s commitment to the salvation of His beloved children is their shield
- Let the God of my salvation be exalted
a) God Himself is personally associated with the work of salvation
b) The Psalmist David wrote about his confidence and trust in the Lord God
c) He desires to exalt Him even as he remembers the salvation which He gives
How absolutely correct it is to exalt the Lord who gives us salvation. The Psalmist David noted the number of ways in which God his Saviour had blessed him.
- Strengthens
It is God who arms me with strength Psalm 18:32
- Helps in daily life
He makes my feet like the feet of deer and sets me on my high places Psalm 18:33
- Teaches
He teaches my hands to make war so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze
Psalm 18:34
- Upholds
Your right hand has held me up Psalm 18:35
Therefore I will give thanks to You, O LORD,
Among the Gentiles, and sing praises to Your name. Psalm 18:40
Each of us has a story of salvation to tell. Let us be challenged to share our personal story of salvation that God has given to us.