Text: Isaiah 28
30 December 2018
God’s great plan was revealed in stages. Christmas was only the beginning of God’s glorious plan.
Therefore thus says the LORD God.
Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation,
A tried stone, a precious cornerstone,
A sure foundation; Isaiah 28:16
- Historical Zion
a) This was the alternative name for Jerusalem
b) Its actual meaning is lost in antiquity
c) It was a city held by the Jebusites
d) It was conquered by David
e) It became the capital of Israel replacing Hebron
- Prophetic Zion
a) The old name was retained
b) There were new nuances and features added to the new Zion
- The new spiritual capital of the Messiah’s Kingdom
a) In building a new edifice a foundation stone must be laid
b) The new foundation stone was wonderfully described:
i) A tried stone
ii) A precious cornerstone
iii) A sure foundation
c) The Lord Jesus Christ would be that Chief Cornerstone
d) The Church’s Foundation is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself
The Book of Hebrews featured these wonderful and glorious features (Hebrews 12:22-24). This is a truly beautiful description.
- The city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem
- An innumerable company of angels
- The general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven
- God the Judge of all
- The spirits of just men made perfect
- Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant
- The blood of sprinkling that speaks of better things that that of Abel
And because of Christ Jesus, we are members of the city of the living God! Let the joy of Christmas dwell in our hearts forever!