19 April 2020
Many will ask how we are able to comprehend what is happening to the world, with special reference to Covid-19 especially. Others will ask how we can cope with a problem that is obviously getting more serious.
- Is this “End Times?”
a) There is an innate fear of “the end times”
b) This kind of fear is uncalled-for!
- Is this “Divine judgment?”
a) Again, we see the problem of fear causing such questions to occur
b) We need to have a greater knowledge of how God dispenses divine justice
c) Let us not end up with:
i) Misgivings
ii) Misguided comprehension of God
The basic question is how we actually view life. And we need to have a well-balanced understanding of what life entails.
- Life has its good aspects
a) Improvement/ Development
b) Success
c) Joy
- Life also has its challenges
a) Illnesses/ Diseases
b) War
c) Death
We have to realise that Life will always have both aspects, Negative and Positive. To think that Life would always be good without adverse circumstances would be to be naïve.
Let us remember what God had enabled us to become:
4 Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious,
5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:4-5
- Connected
a) We are wonderfully connected to the Lord Jesus Christ
i) He is the Living Stone
ii) We are living stones
b) The Lord Jesus Christ
i) He is chosen by God
ii) He is precious indeed
- Constructed
a) We are a spiritual house of God
b) We are a holy priesthood
- Committed
a) Let us be committed to offer spiritual sacrifices to God
b) Let us ever trust in God at all times, even in dire circumstances
- Christ-centered
a) Let us not lose our focus on the Lord Jesus Christ
b) He is the center of all we are and all we do
We may not have all the answers to the problems we see in the world. But we can be assured that all is foreknown to God and all are foreordained as well!