Text: Isaiah 11
24 November 2024
The Scriptures inform us that God always anoints His servants with the Holy Spirit. The prophets of God were anointed. So were kings anointed to serve as rulers.
1 There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
2 The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. Isaiah 11:1-2
- When Anointing is not appreciated fully
a) King Saul was anointed as the king of Israel 1 Samuel 10:1
b) He experienced the power of the Spirit of God
c) Many wondered if he had become a prophet 1 Samuel 10:10-11
d) Saul chose the path of disobedience 1 Samuel 15:22-23
e) The kingdom was taken from him
- When Anointing is fully appreciated
a) The Lord Jesus was anointed at His baptism
b) He kept close to God through prayer
c) He went from being Anointed to being Filled with great power
d) He would fulfil His role as “The Rod from the stem of Jesse”
- The Filling of the Spirit of God
a) The Lord Jesus was wonderfully and completely filled
b) The Spirit of God filled His life in the most wonderful way
i) He reflected God
ii) He displayed wisdom
iii) He had deep understanding
iv) He gave good counsel
v) There was great might (power)
vi) There was vast knowledge
viii) The true fear of the Lord was in Him
- To seek the filling of the Spirit of God
- To see how the Spirit of God can truly empower our life and ministry