To Make You a Minister and a Witness

Text: Acts 26
26 February 2017


1. The Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ

2. The call given to them – to bear witness of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth

3. Two may be singled out for mention: –

a) The Apostle Peter who ministered among the Jews
b) The Apostle Paul who ministered among the Gentiles


1. The life of Paul before he became a believer and a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ

a) Did many things contrary to the name of Jesus   (Acts 26:9)
b) Shut up many saints in prison   (Acts 26:10)
c) He consented to the putting of death followers of Jesus   (Acts 26:10)
d) Punished the Christians   (Acts 26:10)
e) Compelled them to blaspheme   (Acts 26:11)
f) Persecuted the Christians   (Acts 26:11)

2. The conversion of Paul

a) The Lord met him on the road to Damascus   (Acts 26:13)
b) Jesus revealed Himself to Paul   (Acts 26:14-15)
c) This manifestation was for a purpose   (Acts 26:16)
i) To make Paul a minister   (Acts 26:16)
ii) To make him a witness   (Acts 26:16)

3. The Ministry of Paul given by the Lord

a) Sent to minister to the Gentiles   (Acts 26:17)
b) Glimpses of this ministry
i) To open their eyes   (Acts 26:18)
ii) To turn them from darkness to light   (Acts 26:18)
iii) From the power of Satan to God   (Acts 26:18)
iv) That they may receive forgiveness of sin   (Acts 26:18)
v) That they may have an inheritance
Among those who are sanctified by faith in Him   (Acts 26:18)

4. Conclusion

a) Not disobedient to the Call   (Acts 26:18)
b) Faithful to the very end