Parenting by the Book

Introduction   Study
Study 5


Text: Deuteronomy 6:20-25
29 July 2001

Dear Parents,

When children ask good questions, they deserve good answers! Few things dampen or kill the interest of children as a display of disregard for the questions children raise to their parents.

Children almost automatically turn to the parents for answers. Parents are the natural source of information, in the minds of most children. Should there be poor response on the part of parents, for a prolonged period of time, children may cease asking questions altogether. When that happens, it is already a sign of danger!

Moses challenged parents to give good answers to children. Parents are responsible for the provision of answers! Yes, there were priests who taught God’s Word. Nevertheless, the onus, the responsibility of teaching the basics of faith in God was left squarely on the shoulders of parents!

“You shall say to your son…” What would you say to your son when he is old enough to ask you questions? Take time to relate to your children. Take time to give good answers to them, for they deserve good answers!

Moses gave clear instructions to parents concerning how they may answer their children when they come of age to ask good spiritual questions. Let us take time to consider Moses’ word of advice.

We were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt,
and the LORD brought us out of Egypt
with a mighty hand;
And the LORD showed signs and wonders
before our eyes, great and severe, against Egypt,
Pharaoh, and all his household.

Deuteronomy 6:21-22

Our religion in the theological and academic world is known as the “Judeo-Christian” faith. It is no longer sufficient to call ourselves “Christians”. There are so many who call themselves by this term that we have to carefully define who we are.

By this definition, we are saying that the roots of the Christian faith we espouse are to be traced back to the Old Testament, to spiritual Israel if not physical Israel! Thus we have every right to speak of owning the same Lord who performed mighty miracles for physical Israel in ancient days.

The challenge is to give to our children a rich spiritual heritage. There is nothing richer than to trace our spiritual history to its Old Testament roots. Let us cause our children to be excited and proud that they can know this great God of the Scriptures as their personal Redeemer too. The Redeemer who led Israel out of Egypt is our God too!

Pastor Charlie
