Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 101


Text: Proverbs 14
1 June 2003

Dear Parents,

Children must of necessity learn how to socialize. Going to school, making friends – these are normal things that children must learn. Social skills must be learned well. Isolationism is never taught in the Scriptures!

However, having said that, we must teach our children how to discern and how to choose good friends as buddies. Let us ponder this word of advice.

Go from the presence of a foolish man,
When you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge.

Proverbs 14:7

1. The word “foolish”

a) This is not a reference to mere ignorance.

b) This is a reference to those who reject knowledge.

2. “The lips of knowledge”

a) Some children disdain learning.

b) They rebel at the thought of gaining knowledge.

3. Wise course of action

a) Of course they must continue to be friends with as many people as possible.

b) However prudence teaches us that we must guide our children to discern and then to choose their friends.

There is great power exerted by peers, perhaps far more than we dare to admit. When children are young, they listen attentively to the advice of their parents. With each passing year, the influence of parents becomes lesser.

The power that will influence our children will lie in their peers, like it or not. Since isolationism is not a Biblical solution, then the only solution is to teach them how to discern those who love knowledge and those who don’t.

Children must learn how to discern and how to choose. We cannot always choose their friends for them. Hopefully, our children will not be easily influenced wrongly. There is no guarantee that they won’t. The work of parenting is an endless one. We have to continue to watch over our children, and keep offering them good advice.

Let us pray that our children will choose to walk away from the presence of a foolish person. May they grow in discernment and wisdom.

Pastor Charlie
