Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 114


Text: Proverbs 14
31 August 2003

Dear Parents,

Children being what they are tend to be impulsive. We cannot expect them to be otherwise when they are young. However, if children are not taught how to curb their impulsiveness, this trait may not go away easily. Impulsiveness uncontrolled poses great danger.

He who is slow to wrath has great understanding.
But he who is impulsive exalts folly.

Proverbs 14:29

1. Impulsiveness and wrath

Impulsive people can be easily provoked to anger. Impulse has much to do with feelings. If feelings overcome understanding, then a person can take on an irascible personality.

2. Impulsiveness and folly

Impulsiveness is often a feeling overriding “great understanding”. When this happens, “folly” is exalted!

How do we help children curb impulsiveness? The answer lies in the way in which we help promote the cultivation of “great understanding”.

1. Encourage a love for wisdom

This has been the main theme of the entire book of Proverbs. The first nine chapters of Proverbs is devoted to encouraging the development of a love for wisdom!

2. Promote understanding as a better alternative

As we look at the lives of King Saul and young David, we see a startling contrast between the two personalities.

a) The aging king is depicted as one given to impulsiveness

b) The young man David shows signs of great understanding.

It should have been the other way round. The older man should have shown more restraint and understanding. But that was not the case!

We will have to be prepared for a life-long challenge of teaching our children before they become people of great understanding. May God grant us grace and strength.

Pastor Charlie
