Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 115


Text: Proverbs 14
7 September 2003

Dear Parents,

Of course we are naturally concerned about the health and well being of our children. Few things are as distressful as children being sick. Great care should be given to our children’s physical health.

We are offered a special glimpse of what contributes towards overall well-being in this text.

A sound heart is life to the body,
But envy is rottenness to the bones.

Proverbs 14:30

“A sound heart”
Sometimes we concentrate only on the physical. We focus on making sure that our children have the best of nutrition, and little more. What if there is more to the well-being of our children than mere physical health?

We are challenged to ponder over what the writer suggests in this text! The suggestion is that there is a close link between “the heart” and the “body.” The word “heart” here is a reference to the seat of the emotions. If the heart is sound, the body has more than mere health. It has “life”!

Let us seek to develop an even greater consciousness of the state of the hearts of our children! Let us make sure that their hearts are “sound”. A sound heart contributes significantly towards the well-being of our children!

“But envy is rottenness to the bones”
Our understanding of “a sound heart” is further clarified when we see it contrasted with the word “envy”. Children (adults not exempted) can be filled with a great sense of envy. They can be miserable and mean when they envy what others have. They can badger parents to give them what they want, simply because they are motivated by envy.

Envy is anything but “a sound heart”. If not dealt with carefully, “envy” will cause “rottenness to the bones”. Envy will gnaw away vital strength from the body. It can hurt our children far more deeply than we imagine!

Health matters! Of course it does! But let us make sure that we consider ALL factors! Let us include the perspective of “a sound heart” in our consideration of the overall well-being of our children! Let us put more effort into the development of the health of our children! May they have an even better life as result!

Pastor Charlie
