Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 182


Text: Proverbs 17
19 December 2004

Dear Parents,

This is a most pertinent question! We assume (wrongly) that people are not inclined to evil! We tend to believe that people are generally “good.” This is not necessarily true! Can a person actually love transgression? Let us ponder the following text.

He who loves transgression loves strife,
And he who exalts his gate seeks destruction.

Proverbs 17:19

1. “He who loves transgression”

The sad and solemn answer is “YES!” People can love transgression! People can become “addicted” to evil! Look at the following things that people do in the world at large!

a) Narcotic drug lords

These do not partake of the drugs they get rich on. They know the danger of addiction, but they are unmoved when people become junkies. Their livelihood depends on how people become addicted to their drugs!

b) The flesh market

Slavery is alive and well today! The flesh trade is nothing less than selling flesh. Young girls and boys are forced into a life of prostitution!

c) Serial rapists and murderers

These may be classified as people “who love transgressions.” They know exactly what they are doing. But having consciences that are seared with an iron, they pursue transgressions as if they are doing “normal things.”

2. “He who exalts his gate…”

What lies beneath these people who indulge in transgressions and strife? The answer was given in a very straightforward manner. The root problem is “self.” The individual is interested only in exalting himself (represented by the word “gate”. Our modern day equivalent would be the word “fence”).

He is unafraid of encroaching on his neighbour’s “gates” or “fences.” He loves transgression. He loves strife. He will do all he can to take advantage of his neighbour.

3. “Seeks destruction”

The evil doer will meet his match one day. Alternatively, he will receive a heavy judgment from the Lord one day, and that would result in his ultimate ruin or destruction.

Let us ever teach our children to walk away from the paths of sin.

Pastor Charlie
