Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 189


Text: Proverbs 18
6 February 2005

Dear Parents,

We all wish our children would not be so “childish.” Many parents moan and groan that their children continue to show signs of immaturity! We have to allow children to be themselves. Of course we cannot expect children to show mature behaviour at their young age.

When children move on towards their teenage years, we are naturally concerned if our children continue to exhibit signs of childishness. Normally, children outgrow their childishness!

Is it possible to think of our children going beyond “mere maturity” ? The following text gives a tremendous challenge!

The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters;
The wellspring of wisdom is a flowing brook.

Proverbs 18:4

What a profound text this is! Let us take time to ponder this challenging word for ourselves as parents!

1. The imagery of “deep waters”

Those who use riverways extensively would appreciate the significance of rivers and lakes that have “deep waters.” These waters offer great safety to ships and sailors!

2. The imagery of “a flowing brook”

Though the imagery of water is also utilized, the thought is different! A flowing brook offers clear and clean water, that would refresh weary travelers!

3. Wisdom is in mind here

The challenge is to become people of depth! Only the wise are capable of becoming people of great depth!

4.  A “wellspring of wisdom”

There is a wonderful extension of wisdom in this text! The wise person progresses from mere possession of knowledge to becoming a “wellspring.” Wisdom is not limited to the truly wise! Because he loves knowledge and wisdom, he will pursue it relentlessly. The end result is that the wise become a “wellspring of wisdom.”

Let us humbly admit that as parents, we need to grow as well! Let us bestir ourselves to become people of depth before we can expect our children to grow up wisely!

Pastor Charlie
