Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 201


Text: Proverbs 19
1 May 2005

Dear Parents,

This is a vital truth-principle that we must seek to instill in our children. The semantic field of this word would include “honesty, soundness, and wholeness”. The following text extols the virtue of “integrity.”

Better is the poor who walks in his integrity
Than he who is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.

Proverbs 19:1

1. “Better is the poor who walks in his integrity”

Why is “the poor” associated with the word “integrity”? A person of integrity has sound moral principles in his life. He would not cheat. He would not take bribes. He would not lie. He is honest!

There is often a price to pay when one seeks to live with integrity! Because the person of integrity will not do wrong in his work and in his life, he might end up “poor”. There are people who are unscrupulous when it comes to obtaining wealth. They would do anything to lay hands on money. These have no integrity! Lying, cheating, deceiving – these are “natural” things for the person who lacks integrity! In the estimation of the Scriptures, one is better of “poor”.

2. “Than one who is perverse in his lips”

The antonym of “integrity” may well be “perversity.” The semantic field of the word “perversity” would include “wrong, contrary, deliberate deviation etc.” The person who lacks integrity does not think much about being “perverse in his lips”. What is lying to a perverse person? For that matter, what is deception?

The perverse person may be very wealthy. But he obtained his wealth through perverse measures! In the light of the Scriptures, he is contrasted with the person who walks in his integrity. Wealth is not the measure of a man, integrity is!

3. “And is a fool”

In the final analysis the perverse person is “a fool.” This idea in the Scriptures is never with reference to a person of low intelligence quotient, The word “fool” describes a person who has foolishly rejected the ways of God, in preference for his own ideas!

To follow one’s own ideas, over and against Divine wisdom recorded in the Scriptures is certainly “foolish.” The fool expresses his foolishness by being contrary or perverse!

We live in a world that does not regard moral integrity highly. Expediency, wealth, convenience etc are the things that the world opts for. Over and against these things, we must help our children cultivate and love moral integrity!

Pastor Charlie
