Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 203


Text: Proverbs 19
15 May 2005

Dear Parents,

What will happen when a person rejects the pursuit of knowledge? The following text offers a vital insight.

The foolishness of a man twists his way,
and his heart frets against the LORD.

Proverbs 19:3

1. Foolishness creeps in when knowledge is rejected

The antithesis of knowledge is folly. Where knowledge is loved, folly has no chance to survive. But when knowledge is rejected, folly comes in without hesitation.

2. The twisting of ways

When godly knowledge is rejected, the foolish person ends up “twisting his way.”

a) He could be influenced by wicked alternatives to God’s way.

b) The perversity of the sinful human heart can cause him to devise evil ways.

c) In any case, the “straight ways” become twisted!

3. “The heart frets against the LORD”

Worse is to come. The person who rejects the way of the Lord will learn all the wrong things. He could well end up “fretting against the Lord”. He will be upset and even angry with the Lord!

What happens when a person loves knowledge and wisdom? We have a most encouraging text right here.

He who gets wisdom loves his own soul;
He who keeps understanding will find good.

Proverbs 19:8

1. “He who gets wisdom… He who keeps understanding

It is possible to obtain wisdom. It is possible to love knowledge and possess understanding. Great are the blessings upon those who love knowledge and wisdom.

2. Encourage our children to love knowledge and wisdom

Let us do our utmost to encourage our children to love knowledge and wisdom! Let us go beyond providing excellent physical and material comforts. Let us be challenged to encourage our children to desire and to obtain the greatest wisdom ever – that derived from the knowledge of God in the Scriptures.

Pastor Charlie
