Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 211


Text: Proverbs 19
10 July 2005

Dear Parents,

Which family does not have problems? The Scriptures are candid in describing some of the problems that afflict many families. Wisdom teaches us to make appropriate responses!

A foolish son is the ruin of his father,
And the contentions of a wife are a continual dripping.

Proverbs 19:13

1. The mention of “sons”

How should we understand the word “sons?”

a) A generic term

Oftentimes, the word “son” is used generically!

b) A reflection of the cultural preference to “sons”

In ancient days, there was a definite preference to sons!

2. “A foolish son”

What is this text saying?

a) It is not a complaint about sons who cannot do well in school!

b) It is a reference to sons who turn out to be morally foolish:-

i) No regard for God.

ii) No regard for authority.

iii) Drawn to sinful ways and activities!

3. “The ruin of his father”

This is a lament! When the son fails in life, he brings much dishonour and disgrace to his father!

4. “The contentions of a wife are a continual dripping”

a) A contentious wife will indeed add nothing but sorrow to the already dysfunctional family!

b) The expression “a continual dripping” illustrates the idea of a house that is suffering from leaks.

i) The sound of continual leaks is irritating.

ii) It also leads to a great sense of frustration to the people who live in the house!

Pastor Charlie
