Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 213


Text: Proverbs 19
24 July 2005

Dear Parents,

The problem of laziness is not easily resolved! It is a problem that afflicts many! The following text offers these observations!

Laziness casts one into a deep sleep,
And an idle person will suffer hunger.

Proverbs 19:15

1. Laziness and sleep

In this text laziness is cast alongside “deep sleep.” How should we understand this term “deep sleep”?

a) Not a criticism of legitimate rest

The text does not criticize sleep per se! Sleep is a natural part of a person’s daily routine! Sleep deprivation can lead to dangerous problems!

b) Not a criticism of the medical term “deep sleep”

Sleep specialist argue that “deep sleep” is good and healthy! This Biblical text is not disagreeing with the sleep experts at all!

c) Definition of “deep sleep”

i) It is the prolonged sleep of a lazy person!

ii) The lazy person actually chooses to lie in bed, lazing away long after the body has had its rest!

iii) The sleep of the lazy person is compared to a person who is so deep in sleep, he is unconscious and unresponsive to everything around him.

iv) Hardly anything can wake the person up from his “stupor”!

2. “And an idle person will suffer hunger”

The lazy person is also described as an “idle person”. What are the consequences of a person who chooses the way of idleness?

a) “An idle person will suffer”

This is a sobering reality! Laziness and idleness may seem to be harmless, but that is not true!

b) “Will suffer hunger”

Hunger is highlighted, but by no means the only bad consequence of laziness!

Pastor Charlie
