Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 220


Text: Proverbs 19
11 September 2005

Dear Parents,

Kindness is indeed most desirable. In true Proverbial genre, the writer offers a startling contrast.

… a poor man is better than a liar.

Proverbs 19:22

1. Poverty is non-desirable

a) Stating the obvious

But of course no one desires to be poor! To be poor is seen as:-

i) Pitiable

ii) Suffering

iii) Unenviable

b) Every effort is encouraged to get out of the state of poverty

i) By dint of hard work

ii) By seeking the Lord’s blessings

iii) By walking in His ways

iv) God has kind thoughts towards those who are poor.

2. A vital contrast

A most vivid contrast may be observed in this text!

a) The contrast between “kindness” and “poverty”

This contrast may not be obvious in the first place, but it is there!

b) A contrast within a contrast

This is even more intriguing!

i) Contrast between “a poor man” and “a liar”

ii) A powerful thought emphasized

c) A liar

i) The poor man sometimes cannot help being poor; he may be born in a poor family.

ii) The liar however cannot be said to have been born a liar!

iii) If he becomes a liar, it is because he has encouraged the cultivation of lies and this trait has become his characteristic.

iv) The liar will find that he cannot get out of his situation in life easily.

v) He will also find that he cannot expect the blessings of the Lord to come upon him till he repents from his lying ways.

Pastor Charlie
