Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 222


Text: Proverbs 19
25 September 2005

Dear Parents,

The book of Proverbs sometimes provides humourous illustrations. The following text is an example.

A lazy man buries his hand in the bowl,
And will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.

Proverbs 19:24

1. How lazy can a person get?

a) An illustration of a person at mealtime

The illustration is of a man who sits down to have his meal. The ancient Jew eats with his hands. The “bowl” in question is most likely that which contains the gravy. The individual dips his bread into the gravy.

b) Too lazy to complete an action!

Dipping the bread into the gravy is the first of two things that must be done. The second part is a logical and natural follow-through! He is expected to bring his morsel to his mouth so that he could eat it and be fed. But he is so lazy that he does not complete what he has begun!

Failure to complete what one has begun is truly symptomatic of laziness! The illustration itself may provide humourous relief, but the intended meaning must not be lost!

2. Beware laziness

a) It creeps into a person’s life surreptitiously.

b) Laziness is habit forming.

c) It affects the most fundamental of life’s actions (like eating).

d) It is deadly and must be resisted vigourously.


We have a good glimpse of humour being employed in this text! There are times when firmer measures are called for. There are also times when different approaches must be tested out! Humour can be a very powerful teaching tool when used wisely. Children can respond most positively to humour! The employment of humour does not lessen the significance of the lesson taught! It reveals good parenting skills!

Pastor Charlie
