Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 33


Text: Proverbs 2:1-4
10 February 2002

Dear Parents,

Deep down inside us, we all desire to become better parents. We look around for advice and instruction, thinking to ourselves that we would be helped.

Then we come to a deeper knowledge of how we could improve ourselves. But to our horror, we realize that with deeper knowledge, we see ourselves for what we are. We feel miserably inadequate. Sometimes, we almost feel like we want to quit, because the work of parenting is so challenging and difficult.

Let us keep drawing fresh encouragement. Let us not allow negative and discouraging thoughts to come in. Let us try very hard to keep improving ourselves as parents. The whole process is worth it all. Not only will our children benefit, but we will too. We will grow up much in the learning process.

Let us continue to look at more key words that would help us note how our children are progressing in their search for knowledge and wisdom.

3. “Incline your ear…” Proverbs 2:2

Have you ever seen someone who has difficulty in hearing? What does he do? He would naturally and automatically incline his ear. He would try and listen with his good ear. He would “prick up his ears” so that he could hear better. (You could also see this same phenomenon in animals).

Watch the way your child listens to you. Is he really interested? Then you will find him almost literally incline his ear to listen to you. If on the other hand, he is really not listening to you at all, then the opposite is true. He is deaf to you.

The challenge is to help your children really listen. Listening well makes up for a lot in the learning process.

4. “Apply your heart…” Proverbs 2:2

How do you know whether you pupil is really learning? One of the tell-tale ways is the way he applies his heart. What does that mean?

Children should not only be given theoretical lessons. They should also be taught in the most practical way. Do you give chores to your children? (Don’t let the maids do everything). Watch the way your children do their chores. You would be able to see how they apply themselves to the tasks assigned to them.

If they were to apply themselves to the tasks given to them, then you know that he is a good learner. If he does his chores carelessly, then you would also know that the opposite is true. Keep working on the children’s attitude and application of the knowledge they are given. How they attend to the little pieces of work given to them indicate how they are learning.

Pastor Charlie
