Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 36


Text: Proverbs 2:9-11
3 March 2002

Dear Parents,

From time to time we need to ask ourselves what our real goal is when we seek to impart wisdom to our children. We must remember that we are doing more than just imparting knowledge to them. We would do well to remember the goals that are found in this portion of God’s Word.

Then you will understand righteousness and justice,
equity and every good path.

Proverbs 2:9

Quite obviously, these goals are not short-term things! We must remember that parenting always has the long view in mind!

When will a child actually be able to understand such concepts as “righteousness, justice, equity and every good path”? These concepts are abstract. Children would not be able to grasp these concepts at all.

Nevertheless these concepts must be borne in mind when we seek to impart knowledge and wisdom to our children. The goals may seem distant and abstract, but they are the best goals yet!

How could our hearts be encouraged when we look at the work of parenting? Let us consider these words.

When wisdom enters your heart,
And knowledge is pleasant to your soul,
Discretion will preserve you;
Understanding will keep you.

Proverbs 2:10-11

The Scriptures offer a comforting and encouraging word. When we teach our children diligently, one day, wisdom would enter their hearts. One day, knowledge would become pleasant to their souls. One day, discretion will be theirs and would preserve them. One day, understanding would keep them.

This must be our comfort and our hope. We would not need to teach our children one day. Wisdom, knowledge, discretion and understanding would become a part of their lives, and they would have you, their parents to thank when that happens!

Let us learn to trust the Lord at a deeper level. Let us labour in faith and in hope. The work of parenting is not easy, but it is not without hope. The human heart is not easy to teach, but the fruit of good parenting is worth every ounce of effort put in.

Let us pray that our sense of faith, hope and trust would be renewed again and again as we seek to bring up our children in wisdom. Keep teaching diligently!

Pastor Charlie
