Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 231


Text: Proverbs 20
27 November 2005

Dear Parents,

Are we capable of possessing good and deep thoughts? How often we wish we could be wiser! As we look at the challenge of being good parents, we realize that we need much wisdom! Do you sometimes catch yourself despairing? Take heart! Ponder this challenging thought!

Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water,
But a man of understanding will draw it out.

Proverbs 20:5

1. How wisdom takes residence in our heart

From very young, words of wisdom were given to us – by our grandparents, parents, teachers etc. These bits of wisdom may not have been fully fathomed! They may not have been articulated. It is said that the mind never truly forgets anything that is learned. (However, it does not mean that this latent knowledge is at our beck and call!)

2. How wisdom is drawn out

How may latent wisdom, hidden like “deep water” in the heart of man be drawn out?

a) Through interaction with a true “man of understanding”

This wise person will recognize the latent wisdom that resides within a person!

b) With great skill

The wise man will possess the skill to bring out the best out of another person! There are a number of things he could do to bring out latent wisdom.

i) He could encourage the probing of deep thoughts hidden within the heart.

ii) He could help in the articulation of the thoughts into words.

iii) He could further help by suggesting how the wisdom discovered could be translate into action.

c) The task of the wise man

His task is not so much to impart wisdom, but to help the individual to draw out that wisdom that lies unspoken!

It is important that we make an important observation at this juncture. The reference to the counsel that lies within the deep recesses of the heart of man, cannot go beyond the pale of Scripture! Thus it is wise to examine every bit of wisdom in the light of Scripture for the purpose of verification!

Pastor Charlie
