Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 241


Text: Proverbs 20
5 February 2006

Dear Parents,

The problem of gossiping is not a new one. This problem was already noted in the days of king Solomon. It is a problem that must be resisted strenuously.

He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets;
Therefore do not associate with one who flatters with his lips.

Proverbs 20:19

1. What or who is a talebearer?

As the term suggests, this individual goes about carrying tales from one to another.

a) The talebearer in this context is not just a person who cannot keep secrets.

b) He simply does not have much regard for what is shared with him in confidence.

c) The text also suggests that the talebearer is doing something very wrong.

2. Wherein lies the danger?

a) No secret is safe with the talebearer

Some things are shared in confidence. But the talebearer does not seem to believe in confidentiality. All secrets shared would soon become common knowledge.

b) Untold hurt

Those who trust in the friendship of a talebearer will be sorely disappointed. There will be untold hurt sustained.

c) Untold damage

Who knows what “damage” may be caused by the talebearer?

3. How does the talebearer go about discovering “secrets”

One of the ways he employs is the use of “flattery”. The talebearer will stoop to low levels, employing deceitful flattery if it suits him, to obtain “secrets”. He seems to feed on doing this.

The most straightforward way is offered here in this text. This is by far one of the most effective way of dealing with the problem.

… do not associate with… (the talebearer)

Proverbs 20:19

Studied avoidance will also shrivel the source of “secrets” for the talebearer.

Pastor Charlie
