Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 274


Text: Proverbs 24
24 September 2006

Dear Parents,

How important it is to teach children what integrity is and how to walk in it. Wisdom and uprightness are inseparable. The illustration given is that of a wise and upright judge in his court. Above everything else, justice in the land must be upheld.

These things also belong to the wise:
It is not good to show partiality in judgment.
He who says to the wicked,
‘You are righteous’,
Him the people will curse;
Nations will abhor him.
But those who rebuke the wicked will have delight,
And a good blessing will come upon them.

Proverbs 24:23-25

1. Partiality in judgment

a) This applies to people who sit in places of judgment/authority

b) The judge can blunder badly:-

i) In declaring the wicked righteous

ii) In showing partiality to the wicked (rich)

2. Consequences

a) The unjust judge will be cursed by the people.

b) The wicked person will earn a reputation that will earn him abhorrence.

c) His wicked reputation will travel far and wide; “the nations” will abhor him.

3. Integrity means rebuking the wicked for his wrong doing

a) The judge will rebuke the wicked for his evil works.

b) He is unafraid of standing up against the powerful wicked.

c) He who dares to walk in such integrity will receive “a good blessing” from the Lord.

d) The upright will always have “delight” in his heart when he does that which is right.

Pastor Charlie
