Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 283


Text: Proverbs 25
26 November 2006

Dear Parents,

It has become more and more common-place to settle disputes in court. Despite prohibitive costs, many still take to the courts disputes that could just as easily be settled privately.

It is good to take heed of this word of advice concerning the subject of litigation.

Do not go hastily to court;
For what will you do in the end,
When your neighbour has put you to shame?
Debate your case with your neighbour,
And do not disclose the secret to another;
Lest he who hears it expose your shame,
And your reputation be ruined.

Proverbs 25:8-10

1. “Do not go hastily to court”

Why do some hastily go to court?

a) Because they feel they can win their case.

b) Because they feel they can humiliate the defendant (“the neighbor”).

2. Uncertainty of the decision of the court

Good advice is here given to all who assume that the courts would always rule in their favour. Things may not turn out as imagined! The defendant-neighbour might well win the case!

3. “Debate your case with your neighbour”

Sound advice. The rule of thumb is to settle all squabbles privately, rather than to choose to debate a matter in the courts!

4. “Do not disclose the secret to another”

This word deals with the problem of “hidden agenda”. Some like to boast of their secret thoughts. These boastful words may be used against you! Your hidden agenda could be exposed.

5. “Your reputation be ruined”

One’s good name should be guarded most carefully. A reputation once ruined is difficult to repair. One should think twice before choosing litigation.

Pastor Charlie
