Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 287


Text: Proverbs 25
24 December 2006

Dear Parents,

Another great quality that we want to encourage our children to cultivate is surely “forbearance.” Let us consider this wise word of advice.

By long forbearance a ruler is persuaded,
And a gentle tongue breaks a bone.

Proverbs 25:15

1. What is “long forbearance”?

a) It is the opposite of “impatience”.

b) True forbearance has the following features:-

i) It is patience.

ii) It is patience that passes the test of time.

iii) It is patience that is also characterized by gentleness.

2. How does a ruler become “persuaded”?

a) The text assumes that a ruler is not easily persuaded.

b) He is most likely a ruler who is not very open to suggestions from people.

c) However, even the toughest ruler may be persuaded by a person who has “long perseverance”.

3. “A gentle tongue”

a) The truly patient individual will also speak in gentle tones.

b) He will always keep his cool, even if his suggestions are rejected.

4. “Breaks a bone”

a) The bone is the hardest element in the body.

b) The ruler is compared to a hardy bone.

c) Through long forbearance and a gentle tongue the ruler may yet be “broken” like a bone.

This quality of “long forbearance” is truly worth cultivating!

Pastor Charlie
