Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 288


Text: Proverbs 25
31 December 2006

Dear Parents,

Some texts are harder to comprehend than others. Let us take time to ponder over this intriguing text.

Have you found honey?
Eat only as much as you need,
Lest you be filled with it and vomit.

Proverbs 25:16

What does this text mean? Let us ponder the following thoughts.

1. Finding honey

a) Bee keeping was not practised in Biblical times.

b) Hence, we talk about “finding honey”.

c) This would be a reference to “wild honey”.

2. Qualities of honey

a) Even in ancient days, the medicinal value of honey is appreciated.

b) Honey was widely appreciated whenever and wherever it is found.

c) Honey is not easily found and thus many run the danger of over-indulgence.

3. Challenging qualities to cultivate

The following challenges may be derived from the text:-

a) This text urges readers to practise wisdom in the use of good things.

b) This text also urges readers to practise “self control”.

c) It warns against greed and over-indulgence.

d) It warns readers to consider the possibility of adverse reactions.

It is always challenging to impart wisdom to our children. Nevertheless, it is vital that we keep encouraging our children to seek wisdom all their life.

Pastor Charlie
