Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 305


Text: Proverbs 26
29 April 2007

Dear Parents,

Let us ponder more proverbial insights about “the fool”.

Like one who binds a stone in a sling
Is he who gives honour to a fool.
Like a thorn that goes into a hand of a drunkard
Is a proverb in the mouth of fools.

Proverbs 26:8-9

1. Who would bind a stone to a sling?

a) Anyone who knows how to use a sling would know that you do not bind a stone to a sling!

b) Only a fool would reason that a stone needs to be bound to a sling (he would reason that the stone might fall out!)

c) When honour is given to a fool

i) Does he deserve it in the first place?

ii) Even if honour is given out of a sense of kindness, it might well backfire.

iii) It would be like a stone bound to a sling.

2. A thorn in the hand of a drunkard

a) A drunkard would only hurt himself if he were to handle thorns.

b) And being drunk he would not know that he has hurt himself.

3. Handling of proverbs

a) The fool would not know what to do with knowledge/wisdom.

b) He might misunderstand.

c) He might misapply the wisdom.

d) In the end, he would hurt himself.

These are grave observations of “the fool”. May we never walk in the path of folly!

Pastor Charlie
