Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 315


Text: Proverbs 27
8 July 2007

Dear Parents,

The old dictum, “Self-praise is no praise” is what the following text has in mind.

Let another man praise you,
and not your own mouth;
A stranger, and not your own lips.

Proverbs 27:2

How should we understand this text? Let us consider the following thoughts:-

1. Is praise wrong altogether?

a) The answer is “No”.

b) Praise is welcome:-

i) If something is praise-worthy.

ii) If the words of praise come out of genuine admiration.

iii) Praise can bring a great lift to the heart.

2. Self-praise

a) This is disdained (for obvious reasons).

b) It could be a form of boasting.

c) It could be self-delusion.

d) It serves little or no purpose.

3. Praise from others

a) Others may offer praise.

b) The praise of a stranger is not unwelcome.

c) Praise is an indication of a job well-done.

By all means, enjoy praise given by genuine well-wishers. But never indulge in self-praise!

Pastor Charlie
