Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 334


Text: Proverbs 27
18 November 2007

Dear Parents,

There is so much to learn about this subject of “diligence”. Let us consider the following text that expands the idea of diligence.

When the hay is removed, and the tender grass shows itself,
And the herds of the mountains are gathered in,
The lambs will provide your clothing,
And the goats the price of a field;
You will have enough goats’ milk for your food,
For the food of your household,
And the nourishment of your maidservants.

Proverbs 27:25-27

1. The imagery of the shepherd chosen

a) The lot of the shepherds was especially chosen for good reason.

b) Shepherds were not the richest people in the land! But with diligence, they thrive too!

2. The diligent shepherd

a) He will attend to chores (removing of the hay).

b) He will note when the tender grass shows itself.

That’s the time when the sheep must be led out to pasture.

c) Gathering of the herds found in the mountains

Cattle were looked after differently. They were allowed to roam and graze wherever they can find good pasture land.

d) Goats and lambs

These must not be considered insignificant.

3. You will have enough

a) Fabulous wealth is not in mind here.

b) But there will be food and raiment for all in the household.

c) Small indication of wealth – “the mention of maidservants”.

Pastor Charlie
