Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 335


Text: Proverbs 28
25 November 2007

Dear Parents,

Once again the theme of wickedness and righteousness is discussed! We must never tire of repeating lessons for our children. Some lessons are worth studying again and again! Let us always encourage our children to walk in the path of righteousness.

The wicked flee when no one pursues,
But the righteous are bold as a lion.
Because of the transgressions of a land,
Many are its princes;
But a man of understanding and knowledge
Right will be prolonged.

Proverbs 28:1-2

1. The wicked and his activities

a) They transgress the law.

b) They establish themselves as “princes”.

c) What is the final outcome?

i) They are skitterish.

ii) They take flight at the first sign of danger.

iii) Their hold on wealth and power are tenuous!

2. The righteous and his activities

a) He pursues the right things.

b) He obtains the following:-

i) Understanding

ii) Knowledge

c) What is the outcome?

i) He is bold in all his endeavours.

ii) He prolongs “right”.

Pastor Charlie
