Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 341


Text: Proverbs 28
6 January 2008

Dear Parents,

It is not wrong to teach our children about wealth. The Book of Proverbs has many texts that touch on this subject of wealth. Let us consider the following text.

One who increases his possessions
by usury or extortion gathers it for him
who will pity the poor.

Proverbs 28:8

1. The increase of possessions

a) It is right and wise to teach our children on the subject of acquisition of wealth.

b) “Increase of possessions” simply means “acquisition of wealth”.

2. The wrong way of increasing possessions

a) By usury

This word simply means “charging interest for money loaned out”. The Biblical injunction is clear on this subject.

You shall not charge interest to your brother –
interest on money or food, or anything that is
lent out at interest.
To a foreigner you may charge interest,
But to your brother you shall not charge interest…

Deuteronomy 23:19-20

b) Extortion

This is absolutely forbidden – for obvious reasons!

3. “Gathers it for him who will pity the poor”

This is a very subtle phrase.

a) The person who thinks he will become wealthy by charging (high) interest, or by extortion will find that he will not grow wealthy!

b) His wealth will be taken away by the Lord and given to one more deserving.

c) The person who has a heart for the poor will be the recipient of God’s blessings.

Pastor Charlie
