Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 366


Text: Proverbs 29
29 June 2008

Dear Parents,

We have yet another grouping observed in the following text.

The bloodthirsty hate the blameless,
But the upright seek his well-being.

Proverbs 29:10

1. The bloodthirsty

a) He may be classified under “the wicked” or “the transgressor”.

b) His particular form of wickedness however is that of being “bloodthirsty”.

c) This particular bent made the writer take note of him especially.

i) This person actually loves to see blood shed.

ii) He is essentially given to violence.

2. The contrasting group: the blameless and the upright

a) The bloodthirsty is not contrasted with the man of peace.

b) The contrast is therefore intriguing.

i) The blameless is one who watches his external behavior carefully.

ii) The upright is one who guards his heart internally.

c) The upright and blameless recognize that it is wrong to shed blood.

i) It brings grievous hurt.

ii) It can bring permanent damage.

iii) Violence is an unnecessary evil.

iv) This form of wickedness is to be shunned particularly.

The upright and the blameless will always choose to seek the well-being of everybody rather than to bring hurt and pain!

Pastor Charlie
