Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 368


Text: Proverbs 29
13 July 2008

Dear Parents,

The Book of Proverbs also addresses rulers and kings. Wisdom is not to be taken for granted. Leaders in the land also need to constantly acquire wisdom!

If a ruler pays attention to lies,
All his servants become wicked…
The king who judges the poor with truth,
His throne will be established forever.

Proverbs 29:12,14

1. The Bad Ruler

a) There is such a thing as a bad ruler.

b) A ruler must take heed as to how he governs his people.

c) A ruler is always aided by advisors; some will be bad and will feed him with lies.

d) The unwise ruler who pays attention to lies will only end up encouraging his servants to become (even more) wicked.

2. The Good Ruler

a) Thank God for good rulers.

b) He brings honour to the word “king”.

c) He will be known and respected by two things in particular:-

i) How he will treat the poor.

ii) How he will dispense justice with truth.

d) The blessing of the good king

His throne will be established forever!

i) This is a special blessing from the Lord.

ii) He will receive strong and popular support from the people and they will ensure that his reign will last!

Pastor Charlie
