Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 369


Text: Proverbs 29
20 July 2008

Dear Parents,

We have a most challenging proverb to read in the following text.

The poor man and the oppressor have this in common:
The LORD gives light to the eyes of both.

Proverbs 29:13

1. “The LORD gives light to the eyes of both”

a) What is this light?

i) It would be a reference to the light that comes from Scripture.

ii) It is like a lamp to one’s feet.

b) How is light given to the poor and the oppressor?

i) Light is essentially “understanding” or “wisdom”.

ii) Wisdom is common to all (Proverbs 1-9).

2. How is light associated with the “oppressor”?

a) It would mean that the oppressor has turned away from the light of God.

b) He has chosen a path that is not lit by God’s wisdom.

c) He chooses the path of unrighteousness and walks no longer in the light.

3. How is light associated with the “poor”?

a) He has chosen to walk in the light.

b) He has rejected the way of the oppressor.

c) In rejecting the wrong ways, he has also set aside the ways that could have enabled him to obtain riches.

d) In his integrity, he has chosen to be poor and to walk in the light of God’s word.

Let us guide our children to walk in the light of God’s word always!

Pastor Charlie
