Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 373


Text: Proverbs 29

Dear Parents


Christianity is a faith that has as its foundational principle- “Revelation from God.” Let us ponder this thought in the following text.

“Where there is no revelation the people cast off restraint;
But happy is he who keeps the law.” Proverbs 29:18

The Doctrine of Revelation (in brief)

1. God is the Revealer of all truths!

2. The Revelations of God are vital for man and life itself

The following truths (doctrines) may be highlighted:-

a) Revelation concerning the problem of sin

b) Revelation concerning the answer to sin

c) Revelation about God Himself

d) Revelation about man

3. The Revelations are put into a written form

a) The Scriptures contain the revelations of God

b) Man is supposed to know these revelations and live by them

c) Indeed happy is the man who keeps the law (revelations)

4. The Vital necessity of revelations from God

a) God warns man about sin and its consequences

b) God warns man also about the penalty of sin

5. When people set aside the revelations of God

a) The inevitable happens

b) They cast off restraints- and they endanger themselves

Pastor Charlie
