Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 375


Text: Proverbs 29
31 August 2008

Dear Parents,

Servants are difficult to train, but not impossible. Here is a text that offers a very significant insight.

He who pampers his servant from childhood
Will have him as a son in the end.

Proverbs 29:21

1. Child slavery

a) Unfortunately this was also practiced.

b) Children were sometimes treated worse than adult ones (because they are unskilled).

2. Training child-slaves

a) Slavery was practiced in many countries (almost universal).

b) If the practice cannot be stopped entirely, good advice can be given to masters (owners).

c) A suggested method of training child-slaves.

i) The harsh approach to be avoided!

ii) A softer approach to be adopted instead.

iii) This is called “pampering a servant from childhood”.

iv) This simply means treating the child-slave as a son.

v) When a child-slave is treated like a good son, he might well one emerge as a son to his master.

3. The challenge to be wise

a) This was essentially a call to exercise wisdom.

b) Wisdom is to be humane.

c) Wisdom enables one to have this rare insight about a servant becoming a son!

Pastor Charlie
