Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 38


Text: Proverbs 3:1-4
17 March 2002

Dear Parents,

The work of parenting involves much instruction from parents. One of the most important principles that we have to employ is to teach our children how they should regard your word as parents. Consider this text from God’s Word.

My son, do not forget my law
But let your heart keep my commands.

Proverbs 3:1

Look at the words used by the writer in this text. The words of advice given by parents are supposed to be regarded as “law” and “commands”. What does this mean? How do we apply this concept in the work of parenting?

Let us try and understand the concept behind the use of these words.

1. Parental authority

The Lord has indeed given parents the right to exercise authority over their children. This is obvious. We make all kinds of decisions on behalf of our children. We decide for them concerning their education, their friends, their domicile etc.

Teach children that they have to respect the parental authority that is found within the word “parents”.

2. Wisdom

All laws must reflect wisdom. The laws of the land reflect the collective wisdom of society. Parents must learn how to employ wisdom when they teach their children, so that the children would be able to recognize and respect the wisdom and the authority of their parents.

3. Wisdom from the Scriptures

It is an awesome thought to realize that God has given parents “authority” so that they can say to their children that their words are “laws”. How are parents to teach their children with words of wisdom?

The wise parent would recognize immediately that God has graciously provided the Scriptures to guide parents in their task of bringing up their children. If parents were to avail themselves to the wisdom found in the Scriptures, they would be able to teach them to children with great authority.

4. Children must learn how to recognize parental authority.

We live in an age where authority of any kind is questioned. How we must teach our children how to honour and respect the words of their parents today!

Pastor Charlie
