Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 410


Text: Proverbs 31
3 May 2009

Dear Parents,

This question almost seems trite! We surely know what strength is! Most of us associate strength with reference to the physical aspect! But there is much more to strength than the physical. Let us ponder the following text.

She girds herself with strength
And strengthens her arms.

Proverbs 31:17

1. Strength is needed for the many tasks of life

a) As a wife

b) As a contributor to the family income

c) As a mother

d) As a householder

e) As one committed to developing skills of life and business

2. Strength is sought and found

a) “She girds herself with strength”

i) She reaches within herself.

ii) She determines that strength must be the under-girding factor.

iii) She finds that there was that latent strength that God has put in everyone.

b) “And strengthens her arms”

i) She approaches life practically.

ii) If literal strong arms are needed… she would strengthen those arms.

iii) If symbolical arms are needed she would find those strong arms too.

Let us seek to teach our children the true value of strength!

Pastor Charlie
