Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 416


Text: Proverbs 31
14 June 2009

Dear Parents,

What is the secret to success in life? The following text offers a clue.

Strength and honour are her clothing;
She shall rejoice in time to come.
She opens her mouth in wisdom,
And on her tongue is the law of kindness.

Proverbs 31:25-26

For easier comprehension and reference the following thoughts are enumerated. Four things stand out!

1. Strength

It takes tremendous strength to succeed in life!

a) Strength is to be found in the Lord.

b) It is to be sought humbly in prayer.

c) It has to be diligently and carefully cultivated.

2. Honour

Honour is a virtue that we would do well to cultivate:-

a) Honour begins with an understanding of how we must always honour the Lord.

b) Honour is further understood in the way we find ourselves faithful to all the tasks of life entrusted to us.

3. Wisdom

Wisdom is a theme frequently found in the Book of Proverbs.

a) It has to be sought diligently.

b) It has to be practised in life consistently.

4. Kindness

This is another virtue we must ever seek to cultivate.

a) Kindness begins with a heart that appreciates the Lord’s grace and mercy.

b) It expresses itself wonderfully in care and concern for the less fortunate.

These virtues are within our reach! If we would do our part to cultivate these virtues humbly and diligently, we would find success in our life too!

Pastor Charlie
