An Important Perspective Concerning Healing

Text: Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-15
22 September 2013


1. There were many aspects of ministry in Jesus’ ministry

a) Preaching

Main subject: The kingdom of God

b) Teaching

Main focus: Correction and Instruction          (Cf. Matthew 5-7)

c) Fulfilment

Main focus: Jesus must fulfil all God’s requirements to be that Perfect sacrifice for sins

d) Healing

Main focus: Moved by compassion to heal all who came to Him

2. An important perspective highlighted

a) Context: Healing of a leper Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-15
b) Words of instruction from Jesus to the leper concerning the law of leprosy
i) The leper must fulfil all righteousness
ii) He must show himself to the local priest on duty
iii) He must bring an offering for his cleansing
iv) This instruction from Moses was to be complied with          (Cf. Leviticus 14:1-32)
c) Words of instruction from Jesus concerning his healing
i) He is to say nothing to anyone
ii) He is not to broadcast his healing
iii) Unfortunately he went out and proclaimed how he was healed          Mark 1:45

3. Jesus’ Ministry affected

a) He was no longer able to enter into the city openly          Mark 1:45
b) He was outside in the deserted places          Mark 1:45
i) Jesus’ ministry was hindered
ii) At least temporarily
c) People came to Jesus from every direction          Mark 1:45
i) Their focus was to be healed
ii) Their focus was not learning about the Kingdom of God
iii) Their focus was certainly not on following the Lord Jesus (discipleship)

4. This perspective of healing is still relevant today!

a) The focus should never be on so-called healing.
b) The example and emphasis of the Lord Jesus Christ cannot be ignored!
c) Eternal and spiritual matters should be the main concern.