NT GREEK Lesson 30

Text: Mark 1
22 March 2015


22 March 2015

Review of Mark 1

1. Introducing Jesus

a) The Son of God Mark 1:1

b) The Beloved Son of God Mark 1:11 Cf. Psalm 2:7; Isaiah 49:5

c) Anointed by the Spirit Mark 1:10 Cf. Isaiah 42:1

2. Listing the activities of Jesus

a) Preaching the Kingdom of God Mark 1:14-15, 39

i) Time fulfilled

ii) The kingdom of God is at hand

iii) Repent

iv) Believe in the gospel

b) Calling disciples to follow Him Mark 1:16-20

c) Teaching in synagogues Mark 1:21-22 Cf. Isaiah 49:5-6

d) Engaging in spiritual warfare Mark 1:23-28

e) Casting out demons Mark 1:32, 34, 39

f) Healing the sick Mark 1:29-45

i) Simon Peter’s mother-in-law Mark 1:29-31

ii) Various diseases Mark 1:34

iii) A leper Mark 1:40-44

3. Observing how Jesus ministered

a) Teaching with authority Mark 1:22

b) Healing with compassion Mark 1:41

c) Gently touching the sick Mark 1:31, 41

4. Noting the personal life of Jesus

a) Filled with the Spirit Mark 1:12 Cf. Isaiah 42:1

b) Rising up early to pray Mark 1:35 Cf. Isaiah 50:4-5

c) Sense of purpose Mark 1:38-39