4th Retreat: The Fruitful Life Session 6

23 October 2006

Session #6
Monday, 23 October 2006
Morning Session #1
Text: 1 Corinthians; Revelation 2-3;
A Fruitful Life is a Result of Problem Solving I (Church)

1. Problems are a part of life
2. Problems in life seem to stumble many people
3. Many do not have a well-developed approach concerning problem-solving
4. Some problems are profoundly difficult: –

a) Natural Disasters

b) War

c) Deadly diseases

d) Untimely death

5. Studying Biblical Modules of Problem-solving

a) Instructive

b) Insightful

c) Inspirational

6. Rejection of Worldly-Wise Approaches (Features)

a) Reliance on self

b) Doubtful ethics

c) Temporary and uneasy solutions

d) God is often left out in the equation

e) The Scriptures are not appealed to for Authority


1. These Problems can be very threatening

a) To a Church

b) To our Personal Life
2. Many examples of Churches plagued by problems

a) Corinthian Church

b) Galatian Church

c) Colossian church

d) Asia Minor Churches mentioned in Revelation 2-3

3. Principles of Problem-solving (Church)

a) Addressing the problems forthrightly

i) Jesus- The 7 Churches of Asia Minor

ii) Paul – The Churches of Galatia and Corinth

b) Repentance

i) Direct call to repent

ii) Godly sorrow versus worldly sorrow          2 Corinthians 7

c) Remembering and Returning          Revelation 2-3

i) First works

ii) Strengthening that which remains

d) Overcoming

i) Challenge to overcome

ii) Being an Overcomer

e) Heeding the voice of the Spirit of God

4. Where problems are not addressed and resolved          (1 and 2 Corinthians; Galatians, Colossians, Revelation)

a) Weakening of the Church

b) Schism in the Church

c) Death of the Church

5. Sources of Problems confronting Churches

a) The Evil One

b) The influence of the world

c) Leadership issue

d) Members who are untaught

6. Effects of the Church on the individual believer

a) Discouragement

b) Self-righteousness

c) Contentiousness

d) Judgmental mindset


1. Statement of the problem

a) Doctrinal

b) Ethnic

c) Cultural

d) Personal

2. Attempt by Local Church to address the problem

a) Antioch Church

b) Impasse

c) Decision to resolve the problem at a higher level

3. Addressing the problem at a higher level

a) Jerusalem Council

b) Apostles and other Prominent Leaders

i) Prophets

ii) Pastors/Teachers

c) Deep and lengthy discussions

i) In the right spirit of humility

ii) With reference to the Word of God

iii) In prayer

iv) In the spirit of wisdom and equity

d) Solution found

e) Solution passed on to member-churches

4. Great Results (fruit)

a) Doctrines of the Church ascertained

b) Calmness restored

c) False teachings exposed and dealt with

d) Many encouraged

e) Churches grew stronger

f) Greater unity found

g) Further growth of the Word of God


1. Negative consequences must be expected

a) Some may leave

b) Some will have doubts

c) Some will be bitter

2. On the positive side

a) The Church will prevail

b) There will be regrouping of the like-minded

c) Greater understanding will come

d) Strengthening of the Church possible

e) New ministries could arise

f) Greater purity of the heart/spirit

g) Greater appreciation of the Church


1. Seeing God’s hand

a) God could be cleansing the Church

b) God could be taking out the dead branches

c) God could be doing a new work in the Church

2. Seeking in-depth Understanding

a) Objective analysis of the problems of the Church

b) Searching of the Scriptures

c) Seeking to be on the side of truth

d) Paving new paths

3. Aiding the Healing of a Church

a) Understanding the healing process

b) Aiding the healing process

i) Prayer

ii) Exhortation

iii) Wisdom

iv) Perseverance (Other Vital Factors)

4. Beginning Anew

a) New heart

b) New mindset

c) New spirit

i) Wiser

ii) Deeper

iii) Stronger