A Deep Appreciation For Our Faith

by Pastor Mark
December 24, 2020


A Blessed and Merry Christmas!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a most Blessed and Merry Christmas!

A very different December

We are experiencing a very different December. It is a December that none of us expected. The world is facing the devastating effects of the COVID-19 virus. Many are dying each day throughout the world. But we are thankful that we have been kept by the Lord as a nation.

Individually, we have had our own fair share of challenges. This has been one of the most difficult Decembers that Pastor Mitch and I have gone through. My family faced the sudden loss of my father and its subsequent challenges in early December. Before things could settle down, we were faced with another crisis. About one and half weeks ago, my mom was hospitalised for having fluid in her lungs and stomach. She had to be confined to the bed as there were two tubes inserted to drain the fluid from her lungs and stomach. After a battery of tests, the doctors are still unable to determine the cause of the fluid accumulation. Pastor Mitch and I have been taking turns to go down to the hospital each day to be with my mom. In midst of all that we are going through in life, can we still celebrate Christmas? The answer is a definite “Yes”.

1. Faith

I must admit that this period has been a most trying time…physically, emotionally and mentally. But I thank God for our faith in the Lord that has been such a blessing. I don’t know what I would have done without this wonderful faith that we have…that was demonstrated by the different people in the Christmas story.

I was encouraged by what Pastor Charles wrote in ICARE on Monday about having the spirit of faith that the Prophet Isaiah and Mary had. The angel Gabriel encouraged Mary with these words of God, “For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:37) These words bring such comfort, knowing that God has the power to do all things according to His Word…according to His will. Each day, I pray for God’s grace and mercies to be given to my mom and to all of us as a family. Having faith in our all-powerful God brings encouragement to the heart.

2. Focus

With faith in God, I’m also learning to keep focused on Him. At no time have I raised the question of why these things are happening. It does seem like the year has gone from bad to worse, with many uncertainties still looming. But learning to keep focused on God is crucial especially when there is the danger of allowing all kinds of negative thoughts to get the better of us.

Zacharias and Mary sang songs of praise to the Lord for all that He had done for Israel and for them (Luke 1). There are many things that we can praise and thank God for, even in the midst of difficulties. I thank God that we have a sovereign God who is in control of all things, even in His plans for us. I thank God for His blessings as we are heirs of God (Titus 3:7). The blessings of God should be greatly appreciated. Let us keep focused on God and His blessings, rather than having negative thoughts. Let us learn to keep the right focus…to focus on God this Christmas. Let us be challenged to give thanks to God for all that He has blessed us. We have every reason to celebrate Christmas this year.

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