A Proper Perspective Of Leadership
by Pastor Mark
July 15, 2021
The danger of division
At last Sunday’s Morning Worship, Pastor Charles gave us examples of how different leaders of Israel sought to go against Moses. Aaron and Miriam spoke out against Moses and questioned whether he was the only one whom God would speak through (Num 12:1,2). There was Korah together with all his company who questioned the leadership of Moses and Aaron (Numbers 16:1,2,6). God had to deal with them for rebelling against Moses. It was the God of the spirits of all flesh who saw their spirits and judged them accordingly (Num 16:22).
The problem of division was something that the Apostle Paul had to address in the Corinthian church. He gave vital insights as to how the church should see and understand the danger of division. He also gave a correct understanding of what church leadership should be.
Understanding those who are divided
1. How did Paul understand those who caused division in the church?
a. They were carnal, which means to be “of the flesh” (1 Cor 3:3).
b. Their carnality was reflected in their envy, strife and divisions.
c. They were behaving like mere men.
d. They were taking sides…some were of Paul and some were of Apollos (1 Cor 3:4).
2. Reasons that they were carnal
a. They were unspiritual (1 Cor 3:1).
b. They were spiritually immature, still babes in Christ (1 Cor 3:2).
Paul was very true and direct in his assessment of the brethren for being divided. Let us guard ourselves against falling into the danger of carnality and division.
The proper perspective of our leaders
What should be the proper perspective of our leaders?
1. They are ministers (1 Cor 3:5)
Paul used the Greek word “diakonoi” which means “servants who do humble work”. He saw Apollos and himself as only humble servants who were unworthy. The focus should not be on them as leaders but on the Lord. He gives grace and faith for all to believe.
2. It is God who gives the increase (1 Cor 3:6,7)
The ministry of developing a church can be divided into three stages. The first stage is planting the church, the seed of faith, which was what Paul did. The second stage is the watering of the seed, which was what Apollos did. The main focus is the third stage, where God gives the increase and brings the seed to fruition. No one can do this except the Lord. As ministers, we are considered as nothing. Let us focus on the Lord who gives the increase.
3. One team
Paul saw Apollos and himself as one (1 Cor 3:8). They were working as a team. They were all of one and working together with God as His fellow-workers (1 Cor 3:9). There should not be any factions at all. I agree fully with Paul’s understanding concerning those who seek to divide and how we should serve as fellow ministers of the Lord. Let us be challenged to have the proper perspective of our leaders and to keep the unity of the church.
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