An Opportunity To Reach Out
by Pastor Mark
February 18, 2015
Another Lunar New Year
A Happy and Blessed Lunar New Year to all of you! As we look forward to spending time with our loved ones and relatives during this Lunar New Year, I cannot help but think of those who have passed on in my extended family. In the past two years, two grandaunties have passed away. I thank God that they were believers and have gone home to be with Him.
Yet I recognise how time is passing on for those who are older in my family. While I am indeed grateful that many of my extended family members are Christians, I also recognise that there are many others who continue to remain outside the kingdom of God. I am indeed concerned for them and for their salvation. All of us should be concerned for our loved ones who still do not know the Lord. Let us be encouraged to reach out to them this Lunar New Year.
An encouragement for us to reach out
1. A race against time
Time is short and we race against time. We really should have a greater sense of urgency in reaching out to our loved ones. The Lord Jesus had a great sense of urgency in reaching out to the lost. He spoke to His disciples “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35) The Lord likened those who are lost as the harvest field. It is ready to be harvested. Time is of the essence. We cannot procrastinate, but with a great sense of urgency, let us seek to reach out. If we delay any longer, it may be too late. As we take time to catch up with our relatives, let us seek to do the work of the Lord in reaching out…sowing the seeds of faith.
2. Be a light to the world
We are also meant to be shining as light in this world of darkness. Many of our family members continue to remain in darkness. We want to shine forth brightly in this world…seeking to make a difference through our good works, “You are the light of the world… Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matt 5:16) Light is not meant to be covered. We should be shining forth for all to see. Let us manifest this light through our good works. Let us seek to be a light to our loved ones.
3. Compelled by the love of Christ
“ For the love of Christ compels us,” (2 Corinthians 5:14)
We thank God for the manifold blessings that we have received in Christ…especially His love. The Lord Jesus has shown us His love through His sacrifice on the cross. He gave His very life for our sake. The love that He gave to us is unparalleled. In response to this love, we should feel a sense of compulsion… to reconcile others to the Lord. During this Lunar New Year, let us not miss out on another opportunity to relate and to possibly reach out to our loved ones. Let us invite them to our Chinese New Year celebrations the following Saturday (28/2). Let us all be encouraged to reach out to those who are still lost.
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