“Behold The Maidservant Of The Lord!”
by Pastor Mark
November 23, 2017
Understanding the use of the word “Behold”
As we read the narrative of the Christmas story, we would recognise that there are certain words that were used repeatedly. A close study of the usage of these words would reveal the special significance of how they are used and applied. One word that we want to draw our attention to is the word “Behold”. One of the Greek words for “Behold” is “idou” which means “to see, to look at, to give attention to”. To better appreciate this word, we need to understand the different ways in which it was used.
The different ways of applying the word “Behold”
1. A divine proclamation
“And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.” (Luke 1:31)
The angel Gabriel used “Behold” to make a divine declaration to Mary. It is meant to call to attention what he was about to say concerning God’s plan for Mary. He revealed that she would conceive in her womb a baby even though she was a virgin. Her child would be the Son of God and His name would be called Jesus. This was a special announcement given by the angel Gabriel to Mary. Indeed, this divine proclamation was something for Mary and for us to behold.
2. A punitive declaration
Another way in which the angel Gabriel used the word “Behold” was as a punitive declaration. When Zacharias was given God’s plan for him concerning Elizabeth conceiving a son even though she was of old age, his response was one of scepticism and doubt. (Luke 1: 18) The angel answered him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad tidings. But behold, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time.” (Luke 1:19,20)
The angel Gabriel as the Lord’s messenger had to identify himself. It showed that Zacharias had doubts concerning who the angel was. This time, Gabriel’s used of “Behold” was punitive and there was great authority involved. Zacharias was made a mute until the things that the angel had spoken of came to past. All these things happened as Zacharias did not believe the words of the angel. This was in stark contrast to how Gabriel used “Behold” for Mary.
3. A humble presentation
“Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord!”” (Luke 1:38)
This is an unusual use of the word “Behold”. This time, it was Mary who used it. The word “Behold” was used as a humble response to present oneself to the Lord. Mary considered herself as the “maidservant of the Lord”. The word “doule” is the feminine form of “doulos” which means “bondservant”. Mary saw herself as a female bondservant…a slave that belonged to the Lord. Mary was telling the angel to behold her. She was presenting herself before the angel…in humility and to do what was asked of her. Again, this was in stark contrast to Zacharias’ response which was one of doubt.
Mary’s response was significant as she was going to fulfil God’s divine plan for her and to humbly submit herself to serve the Lord. She had devoted herself to be the maidservant of the Lord. Let us present ourselves humbly before the Lord as His servant. Let us rise to serve with a great spirit of service to the Lord.
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