Conduct Worthy Of The Gospel
by Pastor Mark
October 26, 2017
The challenge to conduct ourselves worthy
Faith has to be lived out. It should not be just seen as theoretical. Faith should be practically lived out by the way we conduct ourselves.
The Apostle Paul challenged the Philippian brethren to conduct themselves worthy of the gospel, “Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ,” (Phil 1:27). How should we seek to conduct ourselves?
As citizens of heaven
The word “conduct” in Greek is “politeuomai” which means “to behave as a citizen”. When we are in Christ, we become citizens of heaven. We become part of the heavenly kingdom. As citizens of the kingdom of God, we should conduct ourselves appropriately and properly. Our behaviour should reflect a good citizen of heaven.
Paul used the phrase…“Only let your conduct”. Paul was using the imperative…to give a command for us to conduct ourselves well. This is something that the brethren should focus on and obey. Let us be challenged to see ourselves as citizens of heaven and that our conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ.
The good example of Paul in conducting himself worthy of the gospel
What is the worth of our conduct? Paul sought to use the gospel as a measure of his conduct.
The gospel of Christ is something that is of great worth. He sought to conduct himself in a way that was truly worthy of the glorious gospel of Christ. These were some of the ways in which Paul conducted himself…
- With love…He demonstrated love to the brethren through having fellowship of the gospel. (Phil 1:5)
- With responsibility…Through the gospel, Paul fulfilled his responsibility of reaching out to the brethren in Philippi for the work of God to begin in their lives. (Phil 1:6)
- With courage…He showed courage when he went to prison for the sake of gospel. (Phil 1:7)
- With faithfulness…He was focused on the furtherance of the gospel despite the challenges faced. (Phil 1:12)
This was the way in which Paul sought to conduct himself that was worthy of the gospel of Christ. Let us be challenged to follow his example.
Appreciating the worth of gospel
The gospel is something most glorious, precious and of great worth. This was something I appreciated so much more when Pastor Charles taught about the title of Mark’s gospel. The title is “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ”. What is the significance of this word “beginning”. It is not a reference to the nativity scene as Mark does not record the nativity scene in his gospel. This beginning is a reference to the whole book of the gospel of Mark. The whole book is considered the beginning of the gospel. All that was recorded of the life and ministry of Christ is only seen as the beginning of the gospel. The gospel is further explained and applied in the epistles such as the epistle to the Philippians. This is simply an amazing thought. It reveals how rich and deep the gospel of Christ is. The gospel should not be truncated at all. Let us appreciate the great worth of the gospel. Let us be challenged to conduct ourselves worthy of the gospel of Christ.
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