Dealing With Deep Problems
by Pastor Mark
June 18, 2015
Deep seated problems
As we learn to develop ourselves as a disciple of the Lord, we have to recognise the deep seated problems that ultimately show up and they affect our lives. These problems go beyond what is on the surface but is found deep within us.
It is not easy to address these problems. But it was through the teachings and words of the Lord Jesus that the disciples were challenge to deal with them.
What were some things that Jesus had to highlight for the disciples to address and change?
- Deep sins had to be addressed
Sometimes, we think that we are “pretty alright” on the outside but our inner reality is far more sick with sin than we care to admit.
The Lord Jesus had to address the deep sins within the disciples. When a Samaritan village refused to receive the Lord Jesus, James and John asked Jesus whether they should command fire to devour the village. Jesus answered them, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of.” (Luke 9:55) The disciples felt justified in their request but deep down inside, they had a sinful and angry spirit that the Lord had to deal with. Let us seek to deal with the sins that plagued our inner most being.
- Deep darkness had to be corrected
For the disciples, there were many things about them that the Lord Jesus had to correct. Time and time again, we too are in need of correction concerning our understanding and our perspectives. The Lord Jesus taught His disciples, “The lamp of the body is the eye.” (Matt 6:22) The eye is the gateway to the whole body. How we see things…our perspectives will affect the rest of the body.
If our eye is bad, then what goes into the body would be full of darkness. Our bad eyes at times may see darkness as “light” and we allow “light” to enter into us. Maybe we have allowed darkness to enter as “light” and great would be that darkness. Let us look to the Lord as the true light and for His Word to teach us and to correct the deep darkness that may be in us.
- Deep treasures of the heart
Another area that we need to deal with is the treasures of the heart. What kind of treasures do we really harbor in our heart? The Lord Jesus taught, “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good.” (Luke 6:45) If we have good treasures in our heart, good will come forth. But the reverse is also true.
If we have evil treasures hidden deep down in our hearts, then evil will come forth from us. It is out of the abundance of the heart…whether good or evil, that we speak.
As such, we need to address the evil treasures of the heart so that we can deal with them.
Let us not be afraid to face up to our deep seated problems and to address them that we may have a better spiritual walk with the Lord.
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